AFOSR MURI: Ultralow Power, Ultrafast, Integrated Nano-Optoelectronics
Team members:
Andrea Alù
, The University of Texas at Austin (PI)
Mark Brongersma
, Stanford University
Nader Engheta
, University of Pennsylvania
Shanhui Fan
, Stanford University
Mikhail Lukin
, Harvard University
David Miller
, Stanford University
Hongkun Park
, Harvard University
Jelena Vuckovic
, Stanford University
Philip Kim
, Harvard University (consulting)
Roel Baets
, University of Ghent (international)
Albert Polman
, AMOLF (international)
Northrop Grumman Next
(company partner)
Supported Students and Postdocs
Kiyoul Yang, Assistant Prof., Harvard
Rahul Trivedi, Assistant Prof., University of Washington
Marina Radulaski, Assistant Prof., UC Davis
Logan Su, Algorithms Engineer, Hudson River Trading
Guillermo Angeris, Head of Research, Bain Capital Crypto
Dries Vercruysse, Optical Systems Engineer, Ayerlabs
Jinhie Skarda, Photonics Engineer, Apple
Alex White, Current Student
Hope Lee, Current Student
Ben Bartlett, Former Ph. D. Student, currently at PsiQuantum
Avik Dutt, former Postdoc, currently Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland
Momchil Minkov, Former Postdoc, currently at FlexCompute
Nasim Mohammadi Estakhri, Assistant Prof., Chapman University, Orange, CA
Mario Junior Mencagli, now Assistant Prof., University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
Dimitrios Tzarouchis, Senior Metamaterials Engineer at Meta Materials Inc., Athens, Greece
Brian Edwards, Senior Research Investigator at UPenn.
Xiaoge Liu, graduated and is currently working for McKinsey Consulting,
Dr. Soren Raza was a postdoc and is currently on the Faculty at the Technical University of Denmark
Qitong Li graduated and is working as a postdoc in the Brongersma group at Stanford
Jorik van de Groep was a postdoc and now is on the faculty at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Andrew Joe (graduate student); Now a postdoc at University of California Berkeley
Dapeng Ding (postdoc);
Hoseok Heo (postdoc); Now at Samsung electronics
Ke Wang (postdoc); Now an assistant professor at department of Physics, University of Minnesota
Luis Jauregui (postdoc); Now an assistant professor at department of Physics, University of California at Irvine.
Elise Brutschea, Graduate student, Harvard University
Kristiaan De Greve, Postdoc, now a professor of electrical engineering, KU Leuven & IMEC
Alan Dibos, Graduate student, now a staff scientist, Argonne National Laboratory
Ryan Gelly, Graduate student, now a staff scientist, Drapers Lab
Hoseok Heo, Postdoc, now a research scientist, Samsung Electronics
Alex High, Postdoc, now an assistant professor of molecular engineering, University of Chicago
Giovanni Scuri, Graduate student at Harvard, now a postdoc, Stanford University
Jiho Sung, Postdoc, Harvard University
You Zhou, Postdoc, now an assistant professor of materials science, University of Maryland
Michele Cotrufo, soon Assistant Prof., University of Rochester
Adam Overvig, soon Assistant Prof., Stevens Institute of Technology